Naomi Nissim has a BSc. (Hons.) in Psychology and a post graduate diploma in Speech and Language Therapy.
She has over 21 years experience working in the NHS and private sector within the field of paediatrics. She has worked in a variety of settings: Secondary MLD school, Primary SLD / PMLD school, Mainstream Primary Schools, Pre-school Special Needs assessment centre, Autistic Units and nurseries.
She has run her own independent practice where she has carried out school and home visits. She has delivered in-service training as well as extensive training for Teaching Assistants, Speech and Language Therapy Assistants, parents/ carers, and class teachers in special schools and mainstream schools.
She is experienced in using both high and low tech Alternative Augmentative Communication (A.A.C.) such as symbol systems, communication passports, Shape Coding, Colourful Semantics, TEACCH, visual timetables, the Makaton signing system, Shape Coding and the Picture Exchange Communication System (P.E.C.S.).
Naomi’s specialist areas are:
- Mild to severe learning difficulties
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Aspergers Disorder
- Social communication difficulties
- Cerebral Palsy
- Angelmans Syndrome
- Rhetts Syndrome
- Speech and language delay
- Specific language impairment
- Dysphagia
- Dyspraxia
- Selective mutism
- Downs Syndrome